Alessandro la Donna

About me

My history

I was born in Foggia on December 10th 1981.

The love for foreign languages was born at the age of seven, thanks to the great passion for English music and in particular for that of Queen. I loved listening to songs and trying to transcribe them with the basic knowledge I had.

Then when I saw Olga Fernando interpreting on TV, I understood who I wanted to become when I grew up. Since then I have never stopped studying and deepening French, my first foreign language, English, my second foreign language, and Italian, my mother tongue.
After high school I graduated in Translators and Interpreters with a thesis on dubbing and subtitling.

Subsequently, I obtained a master’s degree in Foreign Languages ​​for International Communication, specialization in Translation and Interpreting, carrying out a research thesis in Audiovisual Translation in the field of readability and legibility in subtitling.

Already during my studies, several important work experiences deeply mark my career. In 2007 I left for Tunisia as an Italian language lecturer in two language universities (Tozeur and Gafsa); in 2008 I moved to Paris to work as an audiovisual translator – subtitler at Télétota; in 2009 I moved to Rome to work as RAI teletext subtitler for page 777, for deaf and hard of hearing, and 778 in English for foreigners in Italy. In 2010, I decided to move to Trento, where I teach Audiovisual Translation – Subtitling and Respeaking – at the University for Translators and Interpreters.

I currently work as a translator, liaison interpreter, subtitler and university and high school teacher.

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